absolut posterboy

absolut's online animation festival

absolut gallery

  Into the Zeros


Interview with designer Victoria Vitalie - clothes, the ultimate tease


A Witch is a Bitch with a BAD MOJO On - Witchcraft Lowdown

Portal Notions - Dark Passage
Social Fabric - Hemp Fashion


FAD Fashion Short Takes:

deluc-ful Flavors - Forties 4 a Kiss
Pre-Raphaelites - Pervy Curves in the Age of Innocence

The Patricia Questionaire - Fields Of Fashion
Flaming Youth - Infamous Femmes, 1920's style
Labyrinth - Phassions and Costumes
Soft Seductions - of Feathers and Fantasies
Vamping in Paris - Nightly Escapade
We Thought
- never mind
Douglas Brooker - Classified Women

Supercycle Ultra Chic - Agatha NYC
Winston Tong - Madonna + Jesus are having a fight

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