Studies by Douglas Brooker

Trudy Truelove. I was setting up a shoot in this hyperbolically chaotic "bachelor" apartment belonging to Annie, near Cahuenga in Hollywood. In the midst of Annie's shoot the door opened. Made me jump, but then I'd been glancing out the window every ten minutes to make sure my car was still there. It was Annie's roommate Trudy. Trudy smokes a lot, and when I shook her hand it felt like it came out of a refrigerator. I finished with Annie and immediately scheduled Trudy for the following week. By that time Trudy wasn't living there anymore. Drove to another Hollywood address that was so absolutely close to the Hollywood freeway, it felt like a house for the pit crew. Wasn't even a "shoot." Just sat across from her after setting up the primitive minimum of lighting, and mostly we talked. Every so often, me raising the camera and saying "Just hold that there, good...." She's one of the coolest. Lasting memories: she is widely read in science fiction, is of Yugoslovian descent, and admits to bad circulation ("Feel how cold my hands are...").

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