FAD: Falling for Fashion
Your company is named after Lucie, your dog. I have this crazy connection with animals. I couldn't deal with calling it my name, so I kind of use it as my alter ego thing, and people will call and ask if Lucie's there, and I'll say, "well, she's under the table right now, but you can talk to me." I still have my own identity separate from the company.
If I were a designer, I would feel pressured to look the part. I'm always in my sweats, I'm never conscientious that way. In fact, that's not what it's about for me, it's not about clothing as weird as that sounds, or about being put together. It's anti put together. I'm never dressed to a "t." I'm always all over the place.
Every season, everyone picks a different decade, do you? It was in the '80s that I became conscious of what I was wearing, and I try not to follow that. I'm a very tactile person. Not so much my sight, but my smell and touch are most important to me. And things that come from childhood, things that feel comfortable, familiar, and secure. It's not an aesthetic thing, it's about how it makes you feel. My most vivid memories are from my childhood. My teenage years I blocked everything out, but my childhood... it's just very present to me.
fax 415 882-4699

photos: Lawrence Sutten
model: Johanna St. Claire/City
Hair & Makeup: Ivan Mendoza
Clothing: Lucie Co. available in SF @ Behind the Post Office, Dinostore, Girlfriends, New West., in N.Y.C. at Steven Allan, and Fred Segal in L.A.

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